I just got this e mail today from Jonathan Bud, a true Internet marketer.
Although it's hardhitting and stings, I wanted to share it with you.
Maybe it'll rouse you into ACTION. It had that effect on me:
"Hey Carlos,
Today I'm going to be sharing
something with you that is very
powerful when it comes to
overcoming BLOCKAGES that stop
us from creating success.
You see, I have been fortunate
enough at this point to witness
THOUSANDS of people in this
industry, and how they go about
building their businesses, and
living their lives.
And what I've come to realize
in about 95% of the cases...is
that the SOLE REASON more people
aren't 'Creating' the reality
they truly want for themselves...
Is because they are all Blocked
up inside and feel like something
is preventing them from taking
the ACTION they know they need
to take.
Or... when they LEARN what their
next real steps are to move
forward in their business... they
don't do them.
It's a truly strange phenomenon.
On one hand... people seem to
want freedom so badly.
On the other... they don't take
the correct action steps you need
to take everyday to get it.
In any case... I am not here to
ponder why that is.
I am here to DESTROY IT.
I am here to serve as a guide for
you to confront anything in your
life that is presently STOPPING
you from creating what it is you
want... So you can move forward
with a Speed and Vengeance.
This is how you overcome obstacles
that are facing you in your life.
You simply JUST STOP believing the
bull crap excuses you tell yourself
for why you CAN'T do something.
That Is It.
That is the FUNDAMENTAL thing you
have to do, and it will make the
biggest difference in your life.
Let me give you an example...
If you're on my list then you know
I've made millions of dollars in
this industry because of 'Marketing'
skills, and my ability to generate
an ENORMOUS amount of leads daily
from the Internet.
You should also know... that I didn't
just "sit around" and wait for those
leads to come to me... I went out and
So if you know that you need to be
doing marketing, whether its putting
up your first PPC ads, making your
first YouTube videos, Creating your
twitter profile, or whatever it might
The only thing in the world that is...
Is the BULL CRAP excuses you tell
yourself for why you can't do it, or
why it won't work for you.
When in reality... you don't have
ANYTHING to back that up, and simply
lack the experience to know one way
or another.
The ONLY way you get experience, which
is knowledge, is to DO THINGS.
You must experience LIFE.
You must experience the CHALLENGE of
learning something new or foreign.
There is no Other Way around it. It's
that darn simple...
And most often, the movement of ACTION
is enough to propel someone down an
entirely different course of direction
in their life.
It's as if the simple fact you are
MOVING, and DOING, is enough to get
a ball rolling that builds up its own
force and can't be stopped.
The vast majority remain in 'Paralysis'.
They remain locked up inside their own
heads, muttering mental excuses all day
long, or indulging in 'Insecure' thoughts
that simply prevent them from DOING what
needs to be done.
Well, you have a choice today.
The very fact you are reading these words
right now, and AWARENESS is being brought
to this very subject, gives you a choice.
You have the choice to JUST STOP.
You can stop believing the BS you tell
yourself that keeps you from doing what
you NEED to do.
And you can open up a new web browser,
create your PPC account, Create your
twitter profile, buy the damn course you
need to learn how to do it, and then
get off your butt and MAKE IT HAPPEN.
You have that choice.
Your other choice is...
You continue to pudder around being
overwhelmed by information yet getting
no where, you continue to let the days
go by as your frustration and tension
mount over your lack of results, and
you can continue to beat yourself up
silently because YOU aren't living up
to your own expectations of what you
thought you could do.
You bet.
Is it what many need to hear?
You bet.
And I'm not a teacher or mentor that
is here to sugar coat things.
I am a teacher and mentor that is hear
to SHAKE people out of their own excuses,
and slam them into the SEAT of their own
Because the truth of the matter is...
The very FACT that you are a human being,
means that you have a MAJESTIC power at
your fingertips.
The human being, and all of life, is so
mysterious... so vast... so powerful...
That it simply boggles the mind when
we even come close to grasping it.
You are MORE CAPABLE of creating anything
you want in life then you might ever have
even imagined...
I see it clear as day. And I'm here to
remind you of your ESSENTIAL power.
I'm here to remind you that you are a
VASTLY creative being... who is truly
capable of amazing feats.
So stop acting like you're not.
Stop being stuck in indifference, laziness,
and states of inaction.
And instead... let your ACTIVE intelligence,
and the INFORMATION you find on how to
really create success, be your guide to the
correct action steps you need to take to
get there.
You don't have to re invent the wheel my
friend. The path to wild success has already
been laid out by many people.
You just need to walk it.
If you need help, visit this link now and
You'll have MORE then enough information,
knowledge, and wisdom to guide you wherever
you want to be...
But most importantly... quit selling yourself
short. You're a magical being, capable of
amazing things.
ACT like it...
We'll speak again soon.
Yours In Success,
Jonathan Budd
P.S. It honestly is amazing, but if you
just get yourself into the routine of
tacking ACTION, no matter what that action
really is... I can guarantee a momentum will
build that can CARRY you to where you want
to be.
And like I said, if you need help knowing
exactly which way to travel down, visit
this site now..."
I'll be giving you the link to Jonatahn Bud in a few days. In the meantime, chew on the above and come back to this blog.
Bookmark this blog
To your success:
Carlos, The fighter
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