I call it "Winning Ads" because they win for me and they win for the reader. I get revenue from Adsense and other affiliate programs, which is fair and you win by getting content that you can use as either an internet marketer or writer. Further an ad that doesn't grab the attention of the reader in one or two seconds is a bad ad.
In this fast paced world of ours where we get our food through the drive-through, our dinners from the micro-wave and our news from our favorite 11 O'clock news or whatever, we usually only get one shot at our reader to pay attention.
A good ad is short and to the point. It doesn't have a long message or confusing logos or text. Below I'll give you examples of what I mean. Why? so that you don't make mistakes in writing your ads as an internet marketer:

The Coke Nemesis Pepsi
Here's an old McDonald's ad:
Oh yes. the "old pretty girl in lingerie" ad:
The above were or are successful winning ads. How do I know? I searched Google and key worded "Successful ad images" and this is what I came up with. They're all short and sweet. Pardon the pun.
But how does this relate to your ads? When you write, you should write likewise, short and to the point. Don't use confusing or Doctor-like language. Who cares? You are writing for your audience. The average internet surfer has little time. He won't look at the online dictionary for definitions ( I might be one of the few who does it). You only have seconds. That is why I write, as much as possible, in short concise paragraphs. They are much easier on the reader.
Your ads: If you're not a graphic designer, copy and paste your graphics (make sure you don't violate copyrights) and keep them related to your text. Put a short caption underneath that communicates your product. If you want to add Adsense to your blog, place such under your posts, not on the right as they could be distracting. Some gurus might disagree with me. Sometimes Adsense works best on the top left of your blog, that is if you use the Blogger template "Minima left" I personally like the "Sample blog" template and put Adsense at the bottom. You cab configure this by going to your "Edit template" tab and clicking and dragging page elements. If you are a Power Point pro, import your own template.
On your paragraphs use something called "anchors". This is simply "anchoring" or fixing the attention of your reader like this:
How would you like to win a million dollars? No...I don't know how you'll win a million dollars, but made you look, right? That's called anchoring. But you don't have to pull a dirty trick like I did here to get your reader to look. I just couldn't think of anything else. Wherever you want your reader to be "anchored" to, use bold letters at the beginning of your paragraph---occasionally elsewhere, but don't over do it.
The above formula and layouts should make for a good looking blog with Winning ads: ads that win for you and your reader.
I hope this has been helpful.
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