I had an inspiration today and wanted to share my thoughts with you regarding this subject: "Does money truly make the world go 'round"?
Many will say it does. after all, we've been using the money system ever since the Phoenicians, perhaps long before that. We can't seem to get a loaf of bread without it at the local supermarket, much less pay the rent or mortgage.
Those with money seem to enjoy the rewards associated with work to the fullest. Those fortunate enough to have inherited it or gotten break may say that money, in effect, is "what makes the world go 'round". Anyone who has struggled long and hard to get it, invest it wisely and amassed great wealth may also hold this view.
But, think about it: "Does money really make the world go 'round?".
If it does, why is the idle (unproductive) rich so miserable? Why do the rich and famous seem to struggle with constant addictions--"luxuries" the pauper cannot afford-- legal issues and depression? If money truly makes the world go 'round', shouldn't these evils merely go away by paying the right clinic, the right attorney or shrink?
Yes, money does help a lot. Our modern world's economy is based on it. It's what made most barter systems impractical, cancers more tolerable and modern day comforts more attainable. It's what most people desperately need and few of us seem to have. "If I could just have a few more thousands dollars...boy...would I be really happy!", is what most of us in financial need or desperation seem to wish.
Money is a very needed commodity. It has made life as we know it possible. But money is not what makes the world go 'round. It's trust. Think about it. We find ourselves in a recession. There is actually lots of money out there to go around. But it doesn't go around: No! not really. only drips and drabs it seem, just enough to "get by". Why?: lack of trust, lack of confidence.
The banks don't seem to want to lend you money, even if you have excellent credit. The "big three" auto makers, can't even "give" their cars away, despite all the incentives and are filing for bankruptcy.
So if there's all this money "out there to go around", why doesn't it go around? It's lack of trust.
You see, trust is the steam behind money. It's the "catalyst". A great American philosopher called L. Ron Hubbard said: "Money is an idea backed by confidence". This idea became a note with a symbolism attached to it. Money symbolizes wealth, a legal note which is exchangeable for goods and services, a unit of exchange. Such is practical and is a commodity. it can be traded, sold, borrowed, used for payment, etc.
But without trust behind it, it loses all of this significance or symbolism. It is merely a nice looking peace of paper, that without any value can be used for wall papering. witness what happened to Italy and Germany after World War 2. Nobody wanted franks or lires. It was absolutely worthless. One wheelbarrow's contents of this stuff couldn't even buy a loaf of bread!
What happened really. These 2 governments were desperate to buy goods and services as their own were non existent. This was a great war of attrition for these 2 countries as well as Japan. When you really think about it, we beat them economically more so than with weapons. After that the whole world learned a big lesson: "He who has the most finances wins the war".
Do you know why The Soviet Union was dissolved? It wasn't just Reagan shouting: Mr. Gorbachev please bring down that wall!" The Star Wars arms race made them go bankrupt! They simply wised up and said: "Go ahead U.S. you keep on making them weapons. we'll just use our money to survive!" Hard to believe but true.
The world no longer trusted the frank or the lire. Good old american dollars reigned back then and during Star Wars. The Russian rubel wasn't trusted by Soviet allies. They would rather trade with the U.S. Dollars were trusted. American allies and even Soviet supporters welcomed the "almighty dollar". Just as the German and the Italian trading partners were afraid that these countries would just keep on printing more bills as the answer to their economic woes,
so were they afraid of the Soviets pulling the same stunt. They had actually started to inflate their currency by printing. the rest of the world said: "No more rubels!"
The almighty dollar is accepted because it is trusted. it is actually the prefered method of payment internationally despite claims that the Euro is. Don't believe it? Have you heard of the expression "When the U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold"? Well, what happened to the rest of the world when Bush announced that were were actually in a recession? Catastrophe in all the world markets. That's what happened!
The dollar, for the first time in a long time was on shaky grounds. Speculators and profiteers now
went through all kinds of motions to discredit the faith on the dollar and make a buck with euros. Then make a buch again when the dollar stabilized.
I took a good hard look at this pattern of money, not just in recent times, but throughout our history, and it holds true: trust is the foundation of the value of money. Trust is what sells a product: the buyer trusts that he will get at least his money's worth and the seller trusts that the checkj is good or that the bills are not counterfit. Trust, trust, trust.
And, that is all that money is. It's a man made invention---convenient as it is-- but still man-made, and the push behind it is trust (confidence). That is what stalls money. It's there, but it isn't "encouraged" by trust. There is not enough confidence out there in present time to make it go around enough for all our sakes.
So what do you do? Create confidence! Do whatever ligitimately possible to get your buyer trust you:
Are you selling an old re-hashed sytem sold by all the gurus out there that just doesn't work despite all the hype? Well, develop something that actually works, if your affiliate products don't deliver, or research, research and research until you know for sure people will get results! Remember, it's a give and take when it comes to trust (buyer and seller).
Am I just talking hype?
Google "roll up shutters Miami". Go ahead, just copy and paste it. I won't give you the link as it's not proof enough. You'll find " Exacta Tech Inc." as your first organic search. I'm not paying a dime and was able to rank it as number one!
Go ahead: google "aluminum roofs Miami" in google or yahoo, I'll be in the top.
How did I do it you ask? How did I build enough trust to go from a few measly hundred bucks a week to thousands a week in sales in a rotten economy?
Bookmark this post or subscribe to it and I tune in next week. I will tell you how!
I hope this was helpful. let me know.
The fighter
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