For those of you who are returning to The Five Deadly Mistakes of Internet Marketers, I wanted to bring you some great new tools that I've researched over the past month and have found to be highly workable. This update is especially geared for those Internet Marketers who are fed up with spending tons of money on "systems" without getting any results and getting auto responded to death to buy more crap.
All of these tools I'm giving away here. That's right FREE. You don't have to buy anything.
What's the catch? You will have to put up with some pop ups as you go through the process, especially with the first one. But all you do is skip a few offers and you're all set. For FREE.
Another reason I'm doing this is the following: "The fewer the resources, the greater the genius you must have." LRH said. I've read many of his books.
We're now under a recession. But this doesn't mean you won't make money. Last week I had a great week! About $7,800. All applying these steps.
Let's face it, auto-responders cost money, web hosting, domain names, your internet connection. Yes I took in $7,800, but if I can get stuff for free and maximize my profits without jeopardizing the flow of money, I'll do it!
As you may well remember there is a formula you need to follow in order to establish financial freedom. To some "financial freedom" may be: "I have enough to get by... and that's enough!", or "I'll have enough money to last for a year.", etc., etc.
I define "financial freedom" as follows: "To never have to worry about money again to survive well, because one has the wherewithal". How do you get this wherewithal? By following a formula and doggedly applying it.
Remember we talked about "copying success"? Well, when something IS successful, THAT is your formula to follow.
I'm sorry. There are no gimmicks, no fads, no "new trend", no "new system' to follow. This formula has worked in Babylonia, ancient Greece and as sure as I am that the sun will rise on the East tomorrow, so shall this formula work today and tomorrow for you.
The formula is made up of only three simple steps. Yes, there are other "sub actions" within the three steps, but there are only three steps to financial freedom. It's like having your own perpetual cash printing machine, although it's all legal.
I'll go over the steps again, but this time I'll give you the exact proper links without sending you all over the internet so that you have, RIGHT NOW, the proper tools with which to apply them.
Let's break them down:
1. Create lead generation:
You don't have the money to invest in an auto-responder? Don't worry. this auto-responder won't drive you crazy with annoying pop ups. Some will show up, but they are minimal. just skip the offers and go on to set it up.
This is how it works: You will begin to get tons of e mails from other members. If you mind this like I do, don't give out your primary address. Use Gmail or any other free service if you don't want your personal e mail box filled quickly.
You'll get tons of offers and ideas on how to create your lists. Most of the e mails, if not all, are from marketers just like yourself, who are trying to make a buck on line. In this blog I have cautioned against "dispersal", one of the five deadly mistakes. So don't go "click crazy". Use your judgment and weed out the crap.
Some of these e mails are from successful marketers---very few. As you go to their sites or get redirected though affiliate links, if you like something they have to say, post a comment and leave your e mail address or URL.
Now you have a potential of successful marketers coming to your site and even linking to you if they like what you have. Translation: more leads.
Get your own affiliate banner from the site and copy and paste on your site. As readers go there by clicking the banner, you'll pick up their e mail address and will go into your auto responder.
Read their tutorials and practice, practice and practice until you know what you're doing and begin your opt in campaigns.
2. Create personal branding (Create a successful personal identity):
If you have already succeeded with anything online and have a following, you may want to skip this step. Just make sure you don't skip step 1. You'll need your auto-responder to massively send out your offer/s and generate thousands of leads.
If you are looking for more products to promote, or even if you've never promoted anything and want to know what products are hot, and are selling, go here:
If you have any issues with them, click their "customer support" button and you will hear from them in less than 24 hours! If you have any questions, they will answer them quickly. They are fairly new and want your business and help you to succeed.
Let's say you know exactly what you want to promote, are very impatient, like most of us, and just want to get going. I suggest the following:
Farm out web design, keyword analysis, search engine optimization, Page ranking and all that to a pro. Nowadays you can get all that done for under $500. this used to cost around $3,000. But now it seems that everywhere you look as you drive, you see the signs "websites for under $299".
Obviously, if you know somebody that you can trust, then just do that.
But YOU give HIM the content. Remember. You are unique in that is only one YOU and YOU know better about your business than anybody. Your techie is there for technical support only.
Alright, let's say that you don't have the money to hire a webmaster, open an account with It's free and fairly easy. Write content as you wish, following my tips. add Adsense and your affiliate links as well as a FeedJit map, as you see in this blog.
You can later submit your blog to various search engines for free. You get a confirmation e mail and you're on your way. Here's the link:
After you get some confidence, you'll later want to at least get your blog or blogs in Word Press format and get a domain name. Then you repeat the process all over again.
Yes. It is hard work no matter which way you look at it. I haven't covered everything by far in these three points, but these are the basics. I will be updating this blog and giving you links to Word Press, Cheap domain names and hosting.
For now, you should be well on your way.
3. Earn money immediately upfront, whether the client buys from you or not:
This requires a bit more know how, and it can be done cleverly without being a cheat or misdirecting the reader.
There are various methods that are tricky and downright disgusting such as hover ads (Yeah, those annoying pop ups that follow you around the page). The idea is that click out and get re directed! and on and on and on, until you finally fall for it. Some of these sites use Trojans, Adware, Spyware, "free" Banner Ads, etc. This last one is designed to re-direct your lead to somebody else's site and your lead is gone!. I'm not totally sure how that works, mainly because I've had no interest to find out.
The way you earn money up front is by selling a product-- especially one that they feel they must have in order to get what they want. Again, go to:
Here, you'll use some of these pitch pages that you can just copy and paste with the author's permission and either copy and paste on your site or blog with your own affiliate link, or copy and paste in your auto responder as material to interest your reader.
One word of caution: Stay focused. If you are selling Adwords advice or promotional advice, stay on that subject. If you are selling anti-virus software and related items, stay on that. Don't confuse your list with "mixed messages".
Make money on your readers whether they buy from you or not:
Here's the not so cool way to do it:
If you don't intend to do internet marketing very long, say a few months "make a killing and cash out", make "copy cat sites". these sites are very crappy but can be very lucrative for the "I don't give a crap operator". You basically copy and paste good content and put up hundreds if not thousands of websites, capture pages leading to them and other crap on the internet. Interestingly enough there are many programs that will do just this and mostly proprietary. The big boys won't tell you, but they do just that. They then load their sites with Adsense.
Visitors when they land on these crappy sites go "What the...?" and proceed to click out of there through Adsense. They click on something else with the hopes of finding what they are looking for elsewhere. when they land in that "elsewhere", maybe they buy what they are looking for. the crappy site just made money for impressions and a referral. I don't recommend this as it's unethical, no matter how it's justified. But a lot of the big boys do it. Sucks, doesn't it?
Here's the downside: You won't last long. Google is very smart actually. the algorithms it uses were and keep getting created by very bright people. this is how they give sites merit or not. when the bot crawls those sites, they get "sand- boxed" (thrown at the very bottom of the heap). They may initially get "good" ranking. The programs may fool the bots, but only so long. After a short while, Google decides that they are no longer worth seeing and get so far down in the rankings that they might as well be dead sites. Who knows how many sites are there. I suspect billions!
I also wonder how many have copied my content and tried to pass of as their own? You know what? That's not so bad. many times you wind up with a back link to your site and they help you rank better! talk about poetic justice.
This is what I suggest (so that you can live with yourself):
Give them lots of reading material and useful information throughout your page. remember to keep it related. Show a video here and there to back up your points. They may abandon your site, but they've landed on a page that you're affiliated with, such as a Click 2 Sell partner publisher, or one whose product you promote.
You can also give them freebies, such as I'm doing here. Make sure you put in your affiliate links on your banners and links, or you won't be credited for any of your efforts.
A good one is to give away free e books that are not junk, but valuable. I learned quite a bit about Internet Marketing through these books. I will be bringing you books that you can give away as your own. Nice huh?
To your success,
Carlos, The fighter. Write to me:
P.S. I work hard to bring you freebies. Leave me a comment to let me know how I'm doing so that I can improve this blog.
Update March 17, 2010
I've been pretty busy and haven't been able to post much or update. On Inspiration for your day I've been inspired to post quite a bit. I've realized that money, although very nice to have, is not what truly inspires me. I love helping others and hopefully this blog I wrote on inspiration can help you in many ways. So if you're looking for a quick buck that I can teach you to make, "I ain't it". I stay pretty busy by providing good old fashioned service and products. Sorry. I'm not a capitalist and I'm actually lousy at investments. I pay Google too much in my opinion for Adwords. I buy high and sell low and I'm not very good at watching trends or bird dogging stocks.
But even without tons of money to flaunt I've been able to find my special kind of freedom, thanks to Google Blogger by self expression. L Ron Hubbard, an American philosopher stated: "A being is as alive as he's able to communicate." I therefore, by corollary, feel as alive as I communicate.
To you feeling alive,
Thank you for giving away your valuable info.I as a beginner blogger find it most useful.Am looking forward to the free ebooks. Thanks Patricia
Hi Patricia. Since you last wrote your comment, I have written many posts with many links to free books. just follow them.
Thanks for your comment.
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