Hello my friends and welcome to my blog.
A lot of us who started a few years back trying to make money online were deluded into thinking that this meant: Buy into a money making system, apply the information in it, invest some money and work the system like a dog until you made some money.
Guess what? A few years later and I still haven't found any legitimate system to make money online, much less get rich quick. Such only exists for the deluded or the gullible and I must confess, I've been gullible.
The top sellers are books--not e books--but books, then you have DVD's and then games. "Information" as many gurus would lead you to believe who are eager to get their $47 for "their course" are being misleading and generalize. What sells the most is very well covered in this article, which you can access for free called
"The best selling products online"
An actual soft or hard cover book by a real author is very much in demand, but guru crap is not. That's why they resort to a bombardment of emails through auto responders, banner ads, hover ads, pretty girls, you name it. If the material they put out was worth anything, they wouldn't need all that flashy crap. You'd probably come to them, eager and ready to pay for it.
I hope the above linked page gives you an idea on your niche markets and better yet: Stay away from all self proclaimed gurus. They and their top 3 guys are the only ones who make any real money. Everybody else is a "worker bee" who brings in the honey, but don't get to eat it.
You guessed it. No matter how the thing is disguised, it still smells like pyramid, M.L.M or such.
Do you really want to make money online? I suggest you pay your dues:
1.Be prepared to work hard and do so.
2. Find a communication line. Post a blog, an article, comment, get feedback, whatever. Don't suppose that your idea is what people want. The idea may be great in your mind, but have no eager buyers.
3. Make yourself known.
4. Find out what is needed and wanted through surveys, comments or cold calls.
5. Produce what is desired, needed or wanted.
This is actually borrowed from L Ron Hubbard's "Non-existence" formula and you can find out more by following this link: Dianetics
To your success: